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Overfishing Facts

Educate yourself, save the oceans.

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More than 30% of the world's fisheries have been pushed beyond their limits and are in need of a larger supply of fish.

Only 2.8% of the world's ocean is a protected area and approximately 75% of the world is water, so 2.8% isn't a lot.

Illegal fishing is responsible for 20% of the wolds catch. Ghost gear adds up to 20% of worlds water pollution.


Ghost gear is fishing gear dropped, thrown, or lost in the ocean. These methods are easier and cheaper than actually recycling the gear, but are much worse for the oceans.

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More Facts

The main problem in over fishing is open access. Open access means that an area is free to all for the collection of fish.
Shrimp trawls usually catch 1,000 unwanted animals by accident and people will throw them back into the ocean dead. This is an example of bycatch.

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